Law is a system of rules created by a state that form a framework to ensure a peaceful society. These rules are enforced by mechanisms that can impose sanctions if they are broken or breached. Law is also a term used to describe the discipline and profession involved in the study of law.
The law is a complex concept that has influenced many societies. While some legal systems have served to keep the peace, protect individuals and groups of people against oppressive majorities and promote social justice, others have failed at these objectives (e.g., authoritarian regimes and colonialism).
Some people have different views about what the law is. Some say that the law is any strong rule made by a government that must be obeyed, while others argue that law is more than this. The law is a complicated subject, and different legal systems and philosophers have written numerous books with various definitions of the law.
When you study the law, you become accustomed to thinking in a very distinctive way. It is as if you learn a new language, and you spend years learning not just the vocabulary but the grammar, intonation and subtleties of the language. It takes a while to acquire these skills, but the law student learns to think like a lawyer by reading and discussing with fellow students who are studying the same subjects.
A law student also learns to write in a very particular style. Verbose and unnecessarily complex opinions and other documents might make lawyers feel good about themselves but they can be of little use to those who are not legally trained. The law student also becomes familiar with the nuances of writing for the purpose of advising clients who will usually not be lawyers themselves.
In addition, the law student studies a range of subjects to prepare them for the diverse issues that they might encounter when working in practice. For example, the law student is exposed to a wide variety of topics including constitutional law; commercial law; employment law; property law; and tax law.
Law is a very intellectually stimulating subject, but it also requires a lot of hard work and commitment to achieve success. It can be an excellent career choice for those who are very dedicated and have a desire to help people in the community. It is important to have a strong interest in the humanities and social sciences, as well as a high level of analytical and problem solving skills. It is also very helpful to be an enthusiastic self-starter and to be able to deal with uncertainty and change. If you have these characteristics, a career in the law may be for you. For more information about careers in law, please visit the Law Careers page. You can also view the Law Student Guide. This is a free, interactive tool that provides valuable insight into the student experience and provides a list of resources that are available to assist law students in their studies.